The new layout of your Facebook profile page can accommodate six images thus giving you room to be a little bit more creative with the design.
For instance, some people “slice” a large photograph into pieces and tag them on Facebook such that one slice appears as their main profile picture while the other pieces show up in the thumbnail region.
If you would like to have something similar for your own Facebook profile page, just get a 700px (W) x 500 px (H) picture of yourself and slice it in Photoshop /GIMP as per dimensions marked in the next image.
Alternatively, if you already have a copy of Photoshop on your desktop, just grab this readymade PSD template and import your picture as a new layer. Then choose File – > Save for Web and this should save all the sliced images in on folder.
Upload all these image slices to your Facebook photo album and then tag them in the following sequence (the order is very important).
First set the largest image (200x500) to be your main profile picture. Then choose the 100x68 thumbnail from the image gallery that will appear in the extreme right on your profile page and tag it with your name. Then tag the immediate left image and so on such that the left-most thumbnail get tagged in the end.
That’s it! [Also see: Create Custom Facebook Pages]