You normally use the English language to post updates on Facebook and that helps because majority of your Facebook friends can understand your message even if English is not their first language.
There are however instances where you just want to post stuff on Facebook in your native language – it could be a link to some hilarious YouTube video, a joke that was forwarded to you via SMS or even a regular status update.
For instance, Orli is from Israel and frequently uses a mix of English and Hebrew in her Facebook page. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with expressing yourself in your mother tongue on Facebook but the only problem is that such “status updates” don’t always make sense to your global friends who don’t know your language.
Eyal Sela, who also happens to be from the same country, has come up with a brilliant solution to fix this problem. Eyal’s idea is that you create a new list with friends who don’t speak your language. Next, when you post an update in your native language, just make sure that the update stays hidden from that Facebook list.
For instance, if you are from Spain, you can create a new list that says “Don’t know Spanish” and add all your English-speaking friends to that list. While posting an update in Spanish, change the visibility settings and none of your non-Spanish friends will ever see that message.
This of course requires effort but if you only have a small network of friends on Facebook , you can give this a shot.