You have been using Facebook all this while to share pictures and other personal stuff with your close friends and suddenly, Facebook added the subscribe button that is enticing you to open your personal profile to the outside world.
You are however concerned that doing so might expose some of your old activity on Facebook to non-friends. Maybe you shared an embarrassing video on your Facebook profile two years ago that friends may find interesting but it is something you’ll definitely want to hide from your new subscribers.
To prevent such a situation, you may either carefully review the privacy settings of every single thing that you have ever shared / written on Facebook or you can choose to play extra safe and make all your past activity visible to “friends” only before opening the profile to public subscribers.
Limit Past Activity to Friends
How you do this is easy. Open the Privacy Settings page of Facebook and under the “Limit the Audience for Past Posts” option, choose “Limit Old Posts.” Now all your old Facebook posts / shares that were “public” before will change to “Friends” only.
Thank you Mayur Dhande for the tip.