Every week, LinkedIn sends an email notification with a list of people who have recently viewed my profile on the LinkedIn website. The list includes only 5 profiles but if I were a premium member of LinkedIn, they will happily offer me the complete list of people who’ve viewed my profile the previous week.
This feature has been part of LinkedIn for a long time but the way they have been pushing it now makes me a little uncomfortable. If I am searching for a person on Google and land up on a LinkedIn profile, I would really not like LinkedIn to send him or her an email with the details of my visit.
Fortunately, LinkedIn does provide a simple option to help you completely disable the “Who Viewed the Profile” feature from your account.
Who viewed my profile on LinkedIn
You can either click here and choose the “anonymous” option or sign-in from the Linked homepage, choose Settings and then choose “Select what others see when you’ve viewed their profile.”
Once you have disabled the feature, LinkedIn will neither share your visits with other users nor will you get to know about other LinkedIn users who have recently viewed your profile.