Flash Drive Reminder is a handy utility for people (especially college students) who work across different computers and carry their data on a USB memory stick.
This will display a desktop reminder saying that the USB drive is still in the computer if you try to log off without unplugging the stick.
Brad Greco writes – “I have an annoying tendency to leave my flash drive plugged in to the computer when I leave. I began to get tired of returning to the library and asking the front desk if anyone had found a flash drive, so I decided to write a little program that would ensure that I’d never leave it plugged into a computer again.”
Flash Drive Reminder adds an option to the autorun box that appears when you insert a flash drive into the computer. When you log off from Windows, this will pop up a dialog box reminding you to remove the flash drive.
Works on Windows XP and Vista systems provided AutoPlay option is enabled on the computer where you insert the drive.
Related: Carry your Computer on a USB Stick