This Google Apps Script will change the access permissions of the specified Google Drive folder from Public to Private at a custom date and time. When you initialize the script, it creates a time-based trigger that is responsible for change the shared permissions.
Google Scripts has a simple file.removeViewer(user) method to remove one or more users from a shared File but it doesn’t seem to work when the file /folder is shared with Public. Thus the workaround, as used in this script, is to create a copy of the shared folder and delete the original one thus expiring the shared links.
// Enter the full URL of the public Google Docs folder
var FOLDER_URL = '';
// Enter the expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format (local time zone)
var EXPIRY_TIME = '2013-02-15 18:30';
function getFolderID() {
var search = /docs\.google\.com\/folder\/d\/(.*)\//g;
var results = search.exec(FOLDER_URL);
var id = '0';
if (search.lastIndex) id = results[1];
return id;
function Start() {
var ID = getFolderID();
if (ID == '0') {
'Check the URL of the shared Google Docs folder : ' + FOLDER_URL
var time = EXPIRY_TIME;
var expireAt = new Date(
time.substr(0, 4),
time.substr(5, 2) - 1,
time.substr(8, 2),
time.substr(11, 2),
time.substr(14, 2)
if (!isNaN(expireAt.getTime())) ScriptApp.newTrigger('autoExpire').timeBased().at(expireAt).create();
"The auto-expiry date isn't in proper format. Please use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
function autoExpire() {
try {
var folder = DocsList.getFolderById(Initialize());
if (folder) {
var name = folder.getName();
var copy = DocsList.createFolder(name + ' (Private)');
var files = folder.getFiles();
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
'Your shared files are no longer public and the new (private) URL is :' + copy.getUrl()
} catch (e) {
MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser(), 'Error', 'Could not set the expiry date for your file. ' + e.toString());