The Google Script uses regular expressions to create advanced Gmail filters that works just like the native filters of Gmail but are more powerful at parsing email.
Perform case-sensitive search for Gmail
function rule0(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var body = stripTags([msg.getSubject(), msg.getBody()].join());
var regex = new RegExp(rule[2], 'g');
if (body.match(regex)) {
Is the email sent to several people at once
function rule1(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var to = [msg.getTo(), msg.getCc()].join();
if (to.match(/@/g).length >= rule[2]) {
Is the email extremely long (count words)
function rule3(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var body = stripTags(msg.getBody());
if (body.match(/\s+/g).length >= rule[2]) {
Does the message have too many attachments?
function rule5(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var att = msg.getAttachments();
if (att.length > rule[2]) {
Does a message contain too many links?
function rule7(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var body = msg.getBody();
if (body.match(/\https?:\/\//g).length > rule[2]) {
Does a message contain too many images?
function rule8(thread, rule) {
var msg = thread.getMessages()[0];
var body = msg.getBody();
if ((body.match(/<img[^>]+>/g) || []).length > rule[2]) {