Differences between Google Shared Drives and Google Drive

Google Workspace users get higher storage quota and they can create Shared Drives inside Google Drive. Unlike files in My Drive, files in Shared Drives belong to the team instead of an individual.

This table outlines the differences between My Drive and Shared Drives in Google Drive. It is currently not possible to sync files stored in Shared Drives with your Mac or PC using the Google Drive client.

Google Shared DrivesMy Drive
Who owns files and folders?The teamThe individual who created the file or folder
Can I restore files?Yes, if you have edit access or full access.Yes, if you created it.
Can I move files?To move files between Team Drives or from My Drive into a Team Drive, drag the files into the destination Team Drive folder. When you move a folder from My Drive to Team Drive, the ID will change. To move files between Team Drives, you must have full access to the original Team Drive and at least edit access to the destination Team Drive.Yes
Can I move folders?Only the domain admin can move folders inside Team Drives.Yes
SharingAll team members see the same file set.Different users might see different files in a folder, depending on their access to individual files.
How long do files I delete stay in Trash?Each Team Drive has its own Trash. Only members with full access to the Team Drive can delete files. Files and folders in Trash are deleted permanently after 30 days or sooner if a full-access member deletes them first. Full access and edit access members can restore content from Trash.If you own the file you delete, it’s automatically removed from Drive on all of your devices and on the web. Deleted files are moved to Trash. They still count toward your total storage until you permanently delete them from Trash. If you delete a file that you don’t own or that’s been shared with you, other people can still access it until the owner deletes it.

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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