Tips and tutorials for Google Translate
1. Translate Google Documents with Google Apps Script
2. Use Google Sheets for Multilingual Chat with Speakers of Different Languages
3. Subscribe to Foreign Blogs in your Native Language with Google Scripts
4. How to Translate PDF and Word Documents
5. How to Identify the Language of any Text
6. Translate Web Pages Inline with Microsoft Translator
7. Translate Cells in Google Spreadsheets with this Function
8. Do Language Translation inside any Windows Software
9. Translate Your Outlook Emails into Other Languages
10. Translate Documents Instantly with Google Translator Toolkit
11. Add Google Translation Widget to your Website
12. Translate Word Documents Quickly with Windows Live Translator
13. Now Read All Those Spam Emails from Russia & China in English
14. The Issue with Language Translation Plugins
15. How Do I Say that Word In Different Languages
16. Add Inline Language Translation to your Website
17. Translate Hindi Text to English with Google Translation Online
18. Google Free Proxy Server - Language Translation
19. Google English To Hindi Transliteration - Type Hindi in English