The splash screen of Adobe Photoshop CS5, as is a standard practice in software programs, contains a big list of names of all the team members who are associated with the product in one way or the other.
Other than mentioning team members, the splash screen also credits a few names under “White Rabbit Production Babies.” These are the names of babies who were born to the Photoshop team when the product was still under development.
I think this is such a nice gesture to thank your team!
You can find the splash screen under Help – > About Photoshop. The list of credits is quite long but you can hold the Alt and the Shift key together to increase the scrolling speed.
White Rabbit was the codename for Photoshop CS5 picked by Jackie Lincoln-Owyang. The Photoshop team decided to share this cute secret on Facebook on Mother’s day.
The following video – “Behind the splash screen” - highlights some of the key people behind Photoshop who are obviously listed on the software’s splash screen.