I spent a few hours reading WebPagesThatSuck - the site is filled with truck-loads of good advice on Web Design from the guru - Vincent Flander.
Few things that constitute a bad web page design according to Vincent:
1. Logo is not on the top of every page and clicking it doesn’t lead to the home page. Corporate logo is not at top left of screen.
2. Our links aren’t clearly labeled, don’t tell you where you’ll end up, and say “Click Here.” (May not be suitable for work NSFW.)
3. Our site doesn’t have a privacy or legal statement page.
4. Our site has too many words on a line, making it hard to read. Our site has too few words on a line, making it frustrating to read.
5. Our home page — or any page — takes more than four seconds to load.
6. Our site doesn’t provide multiple methods to be contacted. (Contact Us form, phone number, address, e-mail, etc.)
7. We don’t have a CSS file for printing pages.
8. You should be able to look at the home page of any site and figure out what the site is about within four seconds. If you can’t, your site has failed.