Google Handwriting IME API Request

When you write on the Google homepage using handwriting mode, the drawn path is sent as a POST request to Google Input Tools IME API as an array of X,Y points. Following is a sample payload request sent to the Google IME API.

 "method": "POST",
 "url": "",
 "postData": { "text": "{
   "device":"Chrome/19.0.1084.46 Safari/536.5",

And here’s a snippet of deobfuscated JavaScript code that traces and sends your handwriting to Google IME API.

_.Qx = function () {
  if (!(0, _.Dx)()) {
    var a = (0, _.rx)(_.Mx, _.Cx.slice(0)),
      b = {
        writing_guide: {
          writing_area_width: _.yx.width,
          writing_area_height: _.yx.height,
        ink: (0,, function (a) {
          return [
            (0,, function (a) {
              return a.x;
            (0,, function (a) {
              return a.y;
            (0,, function (a) {
              return a.t;
      c = (0, _.Rx)();
    c && 0 < c.length && (b.pre_context = c);
    c = || 'en';
    c = c.replace('-', '_');
    b.language = c;
    var b = window.JSON.stringify({
        device: window.navigator.userAgent,
        options: 'enable_pre_space',
        requests: [b],
      d = new _.jx();
    c && (0,, 'complete', c);
    (0,, 'ready', (0, _.Ya)(_.yda, d));
    d.lK = window.Math.max(0, 6e3);
    d.send('/inputtools/request?ime=handwriting&app=gws&cs=1', 'POST', b, {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  _.Ux.clearRect(0, 0, _.yx.width, _.yx.height);
  _.Bx = _.o;
  _.Cx = [];
  (0, _.Vx)();

_.Gx = function (a) {
  var b = new window.Date().getTime() - _.Jx;
  if (!a.touches) {
    var c = a.pageX - window.pageXOffset,
      a = a.pageY - window.pageYOffset;
    return {
      x: c,
      y: a,
      t: b,
  c = a.touches[0].pageX - window.pageXOffset;
  a = a.touches[0].pageY - window.pageYOffset;
  return {
    x: c,
    y: a,
    t: b,

_.zx = function () {
  _.Ux.clearRect(0, 0, _.yx.width, _.yx.height);;
  _.Ux.lineWidth = 6;
  _.Ux.fillStyle = '#4d90fe';
  _.Ux.strokeStyle = '#4d90fe';
  _.Ux.lineCap = 'round';
  _.Ux.lineJoin = 'round';
  _.Ux.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)';
  _.Ux.shadowBlur = 3;
  _.Ux.shadowOffsetY = 2;
  for (var a = 0; a < _.Cx.length; a++) (0, _.Wx)(_.Ux, _.Cx[a]);

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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