You can embed a part of YouTube video using the YouTube Player API. The API offers loadVideoById and cueVideoById function both of which allow you to specify a start and end time for the embedded video.
<!-- We specify the various video parameters in a DIV tag -->
<div videoID="t2MOwQ089eQ" startTime="1330" endTime="1466" height="309" width="550" id="youtube-player"></div>
YouTube Embed Code
Author: Amit Agarwal
Date: 04/15/2013
var node = 'youtube-player';
// Append the YouTube IFRAME API Script
var youtube = document.createElement('script');
youtube.type = 'text/javascript';
youtube.src = '//';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(youtube, s);
var player;
// Read all the parameter of the DIV tag
var params = document.getElementById(node);
var startTime = params.getAttribute('startTime');
var endTime = params.getAttribute('endTime');
var videoID = params.getAttribute('videoID');
var playerHeight = params.getAttribute('height');
var playerWidth = params.getAttribute('width');
// Prepare the YouTube Player
// We set rel=0 and showinfo=1 to hide related videos & info bar
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
player = new YT.Player(node, {
height: playerHeight,
width: playerWidth,
playerVars: { rel: 0, showinfo: 0, hidecontrols: 1 },
events: {
onReady: loadVideo,
// When the player is ready, we load the video
// Using cueVideoById and not loadVideoById as the
// former function will not autoplay the video.
function loadVideo(e) {{
videoId: videoID,
startSeconds: startTime,
endSeconds: endTime,