A client wants to receive email notifications as soon as someone edits a Google Spreadsheet that is shared with a team of people. Google Docs supports the onEdit() trigger that runs whenever an edit is made to any cell of the sheet but a limitation is that the onEdit trigger cannot send emails. Nor can be used to call external API though the URLFetch service.
As a workaround, the edits were stored as a Property and another time-based trigger would periodically send the stored value by email.
* @OnlyCurrentDoc
function onEdit(e) {
var key = "ROWCHANGES";
var range = e.range;
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), e.source.getSpreadsheetTimeZone(), "dd-MM-yy HH:MM:s");
var properties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
data[range.getColumn() - 1] = "<b>" + data[range.getColumn() - 1] + "</b>";
var edits = {
name: sheet.getSheetName(),
data: data
var existing = JSON.parse(properties.getProperty(key)) || {};
existing[date] = edits;
properties.setProperty(key, JSON.stringify(existing));
function onEdit_Email() {
var properties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var json = JSON.parse(properties.getProperty("ROWCHANGES"));
var html = "":
for (var keys in json) {
html = html + "<br>[" + keys + "][" + json[keys].name + "] — " + json[keys].data;
if (html !== "") {
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, "", {
htmlBody: html