Make an RSS Feed with Google Apps Script

ThinkAmI uses the XMLService of Google Apps Script to create a valid RSS feed that is served to the browser using ContentService with the MIME type set as RSS. Should be handy for creating RSS feeds for services like the Google Search Scraper that do not natively offer feeds.

/* Credit: */

function doGet() {
  var rss = makeRss();

  rss.setTitle('RSS 2.0 Feed with Google Apps Script');
  rss.setDescription('RSS 2.0 Feed');

  for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
      title: 'TITLE:' + i,
      link: '' + i,
      description: 'DESCRIPTION: ' + i,
      pubDate: new Date(),

  return ContentService.createTextOutput(rss.toString()).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.RSS);

var makeRss = function () {
  var channel = XmlService.createElement('channel');
  var root = XmlService.createElement('rss')
    .setAttribute('version', '2.0')
    .setAttribute('xmlnsatom', '')

  var title = '';
  var link = '';
  var description = '';
  var language = '';
  var atomlink = '';
  var items = {};

  var createElement = function (element, text) {
    return XmlService.createElement(element).setText(text);

  return {
    setTitle: function (value) {
      title = value;
    setLink: function (value) {
      link = value;
    setDescription: function (value) {
      description = value;
    setLanguage: function (value) {
      language = value;
    setAtomlink: function (value) {
      atomlink = value;

    addItem: function (args) {
      if (typeof args.title === 'undefined') {
        args.title = '';
      if (typeof === 'undefined') { = '';
      if (typeof args.description === 'undefined') {
        args.description = '';
      if (!(args.pubDate instanceof Date)) {
        throw 'pubDate Missing';
      if (typeof args.timezone === 'undefined') {
        args.timezone = 'GMT';
      if (typeof args.guid === 'undefined' && typeof === 'undefined') {
        throw 'GUID ERROR';

      var item = {
        title: args.title,
        description: args.description,
        pubDate: Utilities.formatDate(args.pubDate, args.timezone, 'EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z'),
        guid: args.guid === 'undefined' ? :,

      items[item.guid] = item;

    toString: function () {
          .setAttribute('href', atomlink)
          .setAttribute('rel', 'self')
          .setAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml')

      channel.addContent(createElement('title', title));
      channel.addContent(createElement('link', link));
      channel.addContent(createElement('description', description));
      channel.addContent(createElement('language', language));

      for (var i in items) {
            .addContent(createElement('title', items[i].title))
            .addContent(createElement('link', items[i].link))
            .addContent(createElement('description', items[i].description))
            .addContent(createElement('pubDate', items[i].pubDate))
            .addContent(createElement('guid', items[i].guid))

      var document = XmlService.createDocument(root);
      var xml = XmlService.getPrettyFormat().format(document);

      var result = xml.replace('xmlnsatom', 'xmlns:atom').replace('<atomlink href=', '<atom:link href=');

      return result;

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

Awards & Recognition

Google Developer Expert

Google Developer Expert

Google awarded us the Developer Expert title recogizing our work in Workspace

ProductHunt Golden Kitty

ProductHunt Golden Kitty

Our Gmail tool won the Lifehack of the Year award at ProductHunt Golden Kitty Awards

Microsoft MVP Alumni

Microsoft MVP Alumni

Microsoft awarded us the Most Valuable Professional title for 5 years in a row

Google Cloud Champion

Google Cloud Champion

Google awarded us the Champion Innovator award for technical expertise

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