You can include external JavaScript libraries or any other script in your Google Apps Script projects in multiple ways.
The best option would be create a new script (.gs) file inside your Google Script and copy-paste the entire JavaScript code into the file. This makes it easy for you to debug the code right inside the Apps Script IDE.
Alternatively, you can create a new HTML file inside apps script, copy-paste the code inside that file and use the eval()
method as shown here:
function loadJSFromHTMLFile() {
var javascript = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('script.html').getRawContent();
If the JavaScript file is on a remote server or your Google Drive, you can use the UrlFetchApp and Drive.getFileById()
method respectively to import the script into your Google Script at execution time.
// Load JavaScript from External Server
function loadJSFromServer() {
var url = '';
var javascript = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
// Load JavaScript from Google Drive
function loadJSFromGoogleDrive() {
var rawJS = DriveApp.getFileById(id).getBlob().getDataAsString();
Finally, if you need to load multiple JavaScript libraries from a remote CDN, this technique by @BriaEgan will be useful. It creates the variables in the global namespace.
// Credit Brian @github
prettyDate: '',
underScore: '',
Object.keys(LIBRARIES).forEach(function (library) {
newFunc = loadJSFromUrl(LIBRARIES[library]);
eval('var ' + library + ' = ' + newFunc);
function loadJSFromUrl(url) {
return eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText());
is found to be slower than the alternatives, since it has to invoke the JavaScript interpreter, while many other constructs are optimized by modern JS engines.