Video Resume also known as Visume is a new technology whereby a job seeker describes her/his career objective, qualifications, skills, education and employment history to a prospective employer virtually, in a regulated environment.
The nervousness and anxiety often experienced in first meeting are now a thing of past. With Video Resume, one is in control of the first meeting and therefore the first impression one makes on that employer.
Monster India is the first website to launch video resume service. With the increased use of broadband, advanced video technology and enthusiasm for online video sharing, video resume is set to make its mark in India.
It will not replace text resumes but only compliment it. With the preliminary screening through video resumes, the candidates actually required for the job will be called for the interview thereby saving time and costs on both ends.
With the video resume technology in its nascent stage will take time to get a foothold, email spamming, video production costs, privacy and confidentiality of job seeker’s information may be major deterrents. Moreover, visual presentation of skills and experiences may not be as effective and specific as text presentation.