It is always inspiring to read stories of people who may never have had an Internet connection but are still using the power of Internet to find clients from across the globe.
Meet Samson – he drives an auto-rickshaw in the Southern Indian city of Chennai and has a proper website where his prospective clients can read more about his services and where they find him.
Samson checks his email every week and says the best way to reach him is text:
I can usually be found outside of the Taj Comorandel Hotel, please just walk down the ramp to the street and ask for Samson! I can also be contacted by phone or text message at any time. If you would like to arrange a time for me to meet you before you travel to Chennai then why not send me a text?
Maybe a web-savvy friend is maintaining Samson’s site but now meet Devesh Mishra, a taxi driver from the North Indian city of Varanasi who gets hundreds of emails every week just because of a video that he uploaded on to YouTube.
The story of Devesh is quite interesting. He wanted to advertise his taxi service on the Internet but didn’t have the funds and know-how. One of his clients from Switzerland recorded a video of him and uploaded it on to YouTube.
The video has received more than 25k views and, because of Universal search, it also appears on the first page of Google for queries like “Indian Taxi Driver.”
There are probably more such inspirational stories. Sean Blagsvedt, who was earlier part of the Microsoft India Research group, started an online jobs portal - – for drivers, maids, cooks and other low-income jobs in India.
Of the 66,000+ people who are currently registered as job-seekers at, lot of them may have never touched a computer in their life or they may not even know how to read and write but they will still find work through the Internet. Amazing!
Thanks Suhel for your tip.