Auto Discover Great Websites Without Installing StumbleUpon Toolbar; Works In All Web Browsers

stumbleupon toolbar not for safari, opera StumbleUpon is a wonderful way to randomly explore some of the best web content, photos and videos on the Internet. It shows websites that you are very likely to enjoy as they are recommend by like minded people..

To use StumbleUpon, you need to install a toolbar that is available only for Internet Explorer and Firefox. There’s no official support for Opera and Apple Safari.

There is however a quick workaround so you can continue to find great websites with StumbleUpon without downloading the toolbar - the trick works on non-supported browsers as well. (see screenshots).

Apple Safari with StumbleUpon Toolbar

stumbleupon safari toolbar

StumbleUpon Tool inside Opera Browser

stumbleupon opera toolbar

To see how this works, visit the URL in any web browser - you will immediately notice a virtual toolbar over the web page with separate buttons for stumbling websites, blogs, photos and videos.

stumbleupon buttons Click any of these buttons and enjoy as you are transported to some random but great website recommended by the StumbleUpon community.

Click the stumble button again to see another site and so on. No installation required and a perfect way to cure boredom.

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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