Slideshare has an excellent collection of PowerPoint (and Keynote) presentations but you need a web browser with Flash player to watch any of these presentations.
If you are using a mobile phone (like the iPhone or BlackBerry), Slideshare will automatically render the slides in an image format so you can view them even without the Flash player (This however won’t work with embedded presentations).
Alternatively, if you are using a desktop browser or if SlideShare is unable to detect your mobile’s web browser, you may use the following workaround to “force” Slideshare to render the image format instead of Flash.
Open any Slideshare presentation page in your browser and add the word “mobile” just after the .net/ as shown below:
Regular: Mobile:**mobile**/labnol/write-a-successful-blog
The mobile version of Slideshare is still “work-in-progress” and the above workaround may therefore not work with all presentations but you can give it a try (especially if you have an iPad). Thanks @Armano.