The Best Video Podcasts about Tech, Software & Internet

This is your guide to some of the best tech podcasts about Internet, computer software, gadgets, viral web videos, productivity and online culture.

You can download these podcasts in iTunes, Adobe Media Player or any other feed reader that supports media enclosures.

best tech podcasts Podcasting Directory: The Top Tech Video Podcasts

CNET LoadedCNET Loaded – Natali Del Conte discusses the top technology news of the day in this daily video show.

geekbrief tvGeekBrief TV – One of the longest running video podcast on the web with host Cali Lewis. It’s all about gadgets and tech toys.

tekzillaTekzilla – Veronica Belmont shares useful tips on tweaking software. Patrick Norton joins on weekends.

epic-fuEpic Fu – This weekly podcast is about art, tech and internet culture. Zadi Diaz has something unique in every episode.

chris pirilloChris Pirillo – For computer novices who need help on software and other tech advice. Chris Pirillo records this live.

pcworldPCWorld Video Podcasts – Focused on gadget reviews, new product launches, how-to tutorials and technology buying guides.

mahaloMahalo Daily – It’s more than just tech – delivered weekdays.

commandnCommandN TV – An interesting tech news show with Amber MacArthur produced from Canada. Weekly.

webbalertWebbAlert – Morgan Webb covers news from the tech and gaming industry in this daily video podcast.

adageAd Age – This five minute video podcast from Advertising Age covers events and personalities from the advertising and marketing world.

cnet-insiderCNET Insider Secrets – Full of how-to tips and tricks from extending your notebook battery life to hacking an Apple TV.

walt mossbergWalt Mossberg – Personal Tech Columnist for Wall Street Journal reviews consumer technology products including software.

david pogueDavid Pogue – The New York Times’ personal technology columnist takes you on a tour of something new in tech every week in his classic style.

workfastWorkfast TV – Robert Scoble discusses tools that help you become more productive. This half-hour show is aired weekly.

scoble-tvScobleizer TV – This is more on the PodTech format where Scoble discusses startups, tech news and also interviews CEOs.

usa-todayTalking Tech - Ed Baig and Jefferson Graham of USA Today cover software, gadgets and interviews.

ahead-of-curveAhead of the Curve – Weekly tech podcast from ABC News the covers everything from new video games to productivity tips to new software releases.

show-cnnShow and Tell – Brought to you by CNN, this infrequent video podcast is more about new developments in Science.

crankyCranky Geeks – John C. Dvorak and his team discuss the most controversial topics in tech. This 30 minute podcast is released every Wednesday.

boingboingBoingBoing TV – This podcast from the “directory of wonderful things” is about tech culture, science, art and activism.

reutersOddly Enough -  From Reuters - a weekly wrap up of odd and offbeat stories from around the world.

around-netAround the Net – Know what’s hot in the world of viral video on the web. May sometimes cover adult videos so be careful.

attackAttack of the Show – Another G4 comedy video show about tech news, video games, viral videos and other odd stuff on the Internet.

wallstripWallstrip – Wallstrip podcast is more about stocks but they frequently discuss tech companies as well. It’s a part of CBS News.

g4-techG4 Tech News – This weekly tech news countdown with Alison Haislip covers all the news about tech and gadgets from the previous week.

beetBeet TV – Andy Plesser features exclusive interviews with tech executives and frequently breaks news.

channel10Channel 10 – Podcast about Microsoft software plus sneak previews of upcoming technologies like the Surface table.

webpronewsWebPro News – News from the search industry, conferences and interviews with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts.

mobuzzMobuzz TV -  Some people call this the Rocketboom of Europe. This daily video podcast is both funny and interesting.

Tech Podcast Directory – Help expand it

I may have missed some really great tech video podcasts in the list so please help expand the directory through your suggestions.

If you are busy, read this trick on how to watch more videos in less time. And if you have an iPod with low storage capacity, read this hack on how to stuff more music and videos.

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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