Looking for a good puzzle game for the whole family? Tinker is a simple yet challenging game where you have to help a robot find his way out of a maze. The levels get progressively more challenging, and the in-game animations are always delightful.
Microsoft Tinker, which was previously available only on Vista Ultimate, is now available as a free download for all versions of Windows including XP, Vista (all editions) and Windows 7. The game is also integrated with Windows Live so you can chat with friends from the game itself.
How to Get Tinker with Games for Windows Live
Games for Windows is a new offering from Microsoft where you can easily purchase and download games that are designed for Windows.
Games for Windows Live uses Xbox Gamertags and you will need one in order to use the program. You can either use your existing Xbox Live account, or if you don’t have one, you can easily sign up for a free account using this link. Simply sign-in with your Windows Live ID, enter your date of birth and region, choose a Gamertag name and avatar, and you’re done.
Install the Games for Windows Live client from this page and sign-in with your Windows Live ID that is tied to your Xbox Gamertag.
You will now be presented with the Games for Windows Live marketplace, which shows a selection of currently available games including includes a full version of the Tinker game that you can download for free. If asked for credit card information, simply click the “Skip” button as Tinker is a free download.
Download and install the game and then launch Tinker from the start menu. Since Tinker has been integrated with Games for Windows Live, you need to add your gamertag to the game first before playing. This lets you view your messages, chat with friends, and even earn achievements in Tinker.
You can access the Games for Windows panel anytime by pressing the Home key on your keyboard, or by clicking on the new Live logo on the robot in the home screen.
Also see: Play Old DOS Games on your Windows PC