Comparing Newsgator FeedDemon with Google Readers

The blog world is a fan of Google Reader but maybe they have never tried FeedDemon. I have tried Google Reader over a dozen times but find little reasons to continue that web app over the tried and tested FeedDemon. The latest version 2.5 adds a link blog which is much like the shared items of Google Reader but inside a desktop app.

Another FeedDemon fan, Chris, voices a similar opinion.

Google Reader was getting all the press, seemed to be on a roll, and had some features I liked.  But after dealing with some frustration in Google Reader today when I went looking for my friend FeedDemon to get the job done - I had uninstalled it.

With Google Reader I found myself installing GreaseMonkey scripts over and over to force Reader to work the way I wanted, or add a feature that should be in there anyway - I shouldn’t need to hack a Google application to add search capabilities. Link

Agree, the Newsgator Online AJAX edition needs some work but FeedDemon absolutely rocks.

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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