Question: How do you quickly read a docx document on some computer that has no Microsoft Office Word 2007 and is neither connected to the Internet (online conversion is therefore ruled out).
Solution: No worries, you can make a docx reader out of Internet Explorer or any other text editor (like notepad) - just follow these steps:
Step 1: Change the file extension of your docx file to .zip (hello.docx ->
Step 2: Extract the contents of this zip file locally using Winzip or any other unzip utility.
Step 3: Open the “word” folder in the extracted files and you should see a file called document.xml.
Open document.xml inside Internet Explorer and there you have the full text of your docx document.
If there are any images or charts, they’ll be available under a sub-folder called media.
Though you get to read the text without formatting, it’s still a useful technique to know.
Related: Download Word 2007 Viewer for DOCX