Windows Fonts List for Screen, Web, Print and Office Documents

This is Verdana, a font designed for maximum on-screen legibility and readability. Verdana was designed by world renowned type designer Matthew Carter, and hand-hinted by leading hinting expert, Agfa Monotype’s Tom Rickner. Verdana can be found specified on thousands of popular Web sites and is also commonly used in e-mail.

This is Georgia. Released in 1996, Georgia is another font designed with on-screen legibility and readability in mind. Like Verdana, Georgia was designed by Matthew Carter and hinted by Tom Rickner.

This is Arial, one of the original Windows core fonts. The font is a popular choice for business documents, and is widely used on the Web and e-mail. The design of Arial is credited to the Monotype Drawing Office.

This is Trebuchet MS. Trebuchet, named after a medieval catapult, was designed and hinted by Vincent Connare.

This is Comic Sans MS. Based on comic book writing the font remains a huge fan favorite. It is used on a surprisingly large number of Web sites of all types. Comic Sans MS was also designed and hinted by Vincent Connare.

This is Times New Roman, another one of the original Windows core fonts. Times New Roman is commonly used in business documents, email and is the fall-back font for most Web browsers.

Download Vista Fonts for Windows XP

Amit Agarwal is a web geek, solo entrepreneur and loves making things on the Internet. Google recently awarded him the Google Developer Expert and Google Cloud Champion title for his work on Google Workspace and Google Apps Script.

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